

CAS Number: 16112-21-3


Name: 2-(p-tolyl)benzo[d]thiazole
General Information
Product Number: 16112213

CAS Registry Number 16112-21-3
Benzothiazole, 2-?(4-?methylphenyl)?-
Benzothiazole, 2-p-tolyl- (6CI,8CI)


Chemical Formula: C14H11NS
Exact Mass: 225.06
Molecular Weight: 225.31
m/z: 225.06 (100.0%), 226.06 (16.3%), 227.06 (4.7%), 227.07 (1.1%)




Canonical SMILES:CC1=CC=C(C=C1)C2=NC3=CC=CC=C3S2


Thermal Properties Value Condition Note
Boiling Point 177-184 °C Press: 2 Torr (1)CAS
Melting Point 112.7 °C   (2)CAS
Melting Point 87-88 °C   (4)CAS
Melting Point 87 °C   (5)IC
Melting Point 86-88 °C Solv: hexane (110-54-3) (6)IC
Melting Point 86 °C   (7)CAS
Melting Point 85.5-86.0 °C   (8)CAS
Melting Point 85-86 °C   (9)CAS



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