

CAS Number: 1210-05-5


Name: [1,1,-biphenyl]-2,2,-dicarbaldehyde
General Information
Product Number: 1210055
CAS Number:
C14H10 O2
Molecular Weight:
MDL Number MFCD00142732
SMILES: O=Cc1ccccc1c1ccccc1C=O
Boiling Point 403.5±38.0 °C Press: 760 Torr (21)
Enthalpy of Vaporization 65.48±3.0 kJ/mol Press: 760 Torr (21)
Flash Point 151.1±23.8 °C   (21)
Boiling Point 169 °C Press: 2.5 Torr (1)CAS
Melting Point 67 °C   (13)CAS
Melting Point 63-64 °C   (14)CAS
Melting Point 63-64 °C Solv: ethanol, 70% (64-17-5) (15)CAS
Melting Point 62-63 °C   (5)CAS
Melting Point 62-63 °C Solv: ethyl ether (60-29-7) (10)CAS
Melting Point 62 °C   (16)CAS
Melting Point 62 °C   (1)CAS
Melting Point 61 °C   (2)CAS
Melting Point 60-62 °C   (17)CAS
Melting Point 60-61 °C   (18)CAS
Melting Point 58 °C   (4)CAS
Melting Point 57-60 °C   (19)CAS
Melting Point 57-59 °C   (3)CAS



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